The Vampire Genevieve
A very mixed bag of Warhammer mystery. At times beautiful, and at others unthinkingly misogynistic. The first two books are worth a try if nothing else is available, but the third is to be avoided.
I read a lot of books, and I even try and write some too. This page contains links to books I've read and enjoyed, so I can find them again in the future (and others can read them too, if they're interested). It also houses copies of some of the short stories I've written, as well as links to download them as epub files that you can read on an e-reader such as a Kindle or Kobo.
Dates given for other people's work are the date I finished reading them; for my own work the date given is approximately when it was 'completed' - the date I first tried to submit it to a publisher.
A very mixed bag of Warhammer mystery. At times beautiful, and at others unthinkingly misogynistic. The first two books are worth a try if nothing else is available, but the third is to be avoided.
Fairly average Black Library fiction, though with more interesting plot and characters than usual. Really ends on a high with "The Magos", however, which is almost something special.
Manages to deliver the break in tone and setting that Equal Rites could not and has some excellent characters.
Another solid entry in the series, though it did tail off a little towards the end.
More insane comic fantasy. Very, very, fun.
A lovely blend of social satire and pure madness, set in a fantasy world populated by beautifully observed, and very human, characters.
A dark reflection on the Dan Dares and Buck Rogers of the world, but one a little ruined by poor writing and repetitive characters.
An interesting, if broad-brush, introduction to Britain's many and varied magical traditions and their histories.
A potentially powerful piece of social commentary let down by weak characterisation, sexism, and an alarming trend towards fascism that may not be entirely restricted to the characters.
Fairly middle of the road pulp Sword and Sorcery with interesting protagonists. Interesting for fans of Warhammer and its setting, but probably not worth it otherwise.