Moving Pictures was, perhaps, the most consistent of the Discworld books so far. It fewer laugh out loud moments than some of the previous novels, and the cast of characters was not quite as strong, but there was none of the sudden loss of plot and drop in quality two thirds of the way through either. Instead, it started well and continued on in the same fashion right the way through until the grand finale.
As less of a film buff than many, some of Pratchett's trademark witty references almost certainly went over my head, and the story of the Discworld's very own 'Holy Wood' revolution was not quite as gripping as some of the previous books. Nevertheless, I still thoroughly enjoyed returning back to the Discworld books after an extended break, and appreciated reading a book that I enjoyed as much half way through, as I did at the beginning and end. The characters, while not as engaging as some of Pratchett's other work, still gave most other books I've read a run for their money and the general insanity of the story was most enjoyable.